UpAndDownGrade Part II
May. 1, 2015 125 words 1 min
Another gear/software change. This time not entirely my own decision. Apple “announced”* last year that they’d cease support/development of Aperture.
I was hoping that the new Photos app that comes with Yosemite 10.3 would evolve into something that could eventually replace the abandoned Aperture. In terms of asset management, Photos turned out to be a complete failure to me. So when Lightroom 6 was announced last week, I decided to give it a try. Although I am not entirely convinced and ignoring the fact that Capture One by Phase One has the better RAW conversion, I am going to replace Aperture with Lightroom 6.
*Apple didn’t have the balls to actually announce this on their own site, but communicated it via Jim Dalrymple’s Loop Insight.