Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
Nov. 28, 2015 161 words 1 min
I haven’t posted for a while and for several reasons. I spent most of October traveling South East Asia.
There were a lot of opportunities for taking pictures. But with all the resulting pictures comes a responsibility: Choosing only the best ones and throw the rest away. Chris Marquardt has described his workflow for doing that, but I am still having a hard time deleting pictures. And then there is the additional challenge of syncing my assessment of what is cool with what my wife thinks is a good picture. That is because christmas is coming up, and we have to agree on the selection of Asia pics to show to our family. In the end, this took longer than I anticipated. Some other excuses for not posting in a long time:
Preparing for a marathon and improving my previous results by more than 10 minutes.
Attending an analog large format photography workshop.
Contemplating to launch a site about app development.