Sep. 10, 2020 132 words 1 min

I’am listening to Linton Kwesi Johnson’s “Inglan Is A Bitch”, a song from the musical gem “Bass Culture”, I discovered only recently. The track might as well be titled “2020 is a bitch”. Personally, the year hasn’t been particularly bad for me(I am/feel privileged). But being in the Covid-19 pandemic for 6 months now has put the spotlight on so many shortcomings in our society that make me feel depressed. There is an ever growing gap between people like me, who are doing well and those that are being hit hard by the economic downturn. Global warming isn’t an abstract thing in the distant future, it is impacting my immediate surroundings already, but people are happily buying bigger cars like there’s no tomorrow. How is all of this going to turn out?

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